Thursday, June 12, 2014


You cannot avoid effort, for avoiding effort is itself an effort. What you can do is to make your efforts count for something, something as grand and magnificent as you can imagine.

Life will ask something of you each and every moment. The more willingly and graciously you give what life asks of you, the more positive value you’ll receive as a result. That which life asks of you is also life’s gift to you. Those places where you spend the most effort, where you give the most of yourself, are the places where you’ll realize the most value.

Sadly, too many people miss out on the best that life has to offer when they attempt to avoid challenge and discomfort. By so doing they end up making their lives even more challenging and even more uncomfortable.

Life is persistent and generous in providing you with plenty of nourishment and opportunity. So the challenges will continue to come your way until you’re ready to make something truly grand and meaningful out of them. Give what life asks, promptly and enthusiastically. And you’ll experience the very best that life has to give.


It is great to treasure the joys of the past. When you do so, those joys will always be with you, bringing new pleasure each time you think of them.

But don’t get so dependent on past joys that you neglect to make new ones. Instead, allow the joys you’ve previously experienced to inspire you to make even more.

Circumstances have surely changed, and you’ll never again have the exact same joyful experiences you had before. However, you most certainly can create new, original joyful memories to treasure.

Be thankful about all the great times you’ve known. And be willing to make more great times with this day, with this moment, wherever you may be.

Don’t limit the possibilities for joy by assuming that the new joys must be just like the previous ones. Continue to open yourself to new, creative options for adding richness and fulfillment to life.

There are plenty of ways, right here and right now, to bring fresh joy to life. Treasure the joys of the past, and make some new ones today.